Data and R code for the analysis supporting this April 6, 2016 BuzzFeed News post on federal surveillance aircraft. Supporting files are in this GitHub repository.
BuzzFeed News obtained more than four months of aircraft transponder detections from the plane tracking website Flightradar24, covering August 17 to December 31, 2015 UTC, containing all data displayed on the site within a bounding box encompassing the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Fightradar24 receives data from its network of ground-based receivers, supplemented by a feed from ground radars provided by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with a five-minute delay.
After parsing from the raw files supplied by Flightradar24, the data included the following fields, for each transponder detection:
Unique identifier for each aircraft, corresponding to its “Mode-S” code, in hexademical format.flight_id
Unique identifier for each “flight segment,” in hexadecimal format. A flight segment is a continuous series of transponder detections for one aircraft. There may be more than one segment per flight, if a plane disappears from Flightradar24’s coverage for a period — for example when flying over rural areas with sparse receiver coverage. While being tracked by Fightradar24, surveillance planes were typically detected several times per minute.latitude
, longitude
Geographic location in digital degrees.altitude
Altitude in feet.speed
Ground speed in knots.track
Compass bearing in degrees, with 0 corresponding to north.squawk
Four-digit code transmitted by the transponder.type
Aircraft model, if identified.timestamp
Full UTC timestamp.We saved the data for each individual plane in a separate comma-separated values (CSV) file, named for the aircraft’s adshex
Mode-S code.
From the FAA registration database, we identified aircraft registered to the Department of Homeland Security and companies previously identified as front operations for the FBI. Using the Mode-S hexadecimal codes for these planes, we imported the corresponding files from the Flightradar24 data into R, and joined this to the FAA data to give the following additional fields:
Name of aircraft registrant.other_names1
, other_names2
Other names for the registrant, if listed.n_number
Aircraft registration number, sometimes called a “tail number.” For U.S.-registered planes, these begin with the letter “N,” followed by up to five alphanumeric characters.serial_number
Identifying number assigned to the aircraft by its manufacturer.mfr_mdl_code
Code designating the manufacturer and model of the aircraft.mfr
Aircraft model.year_mfr
Year in which aircraft was manufactured.type_aircraft
: fixed-wing single-engine, 5
: fixed-wing multi-engine, 6
Federal agency operating the aircraft, recorded by BuzzFeed News.This data is spread across three files feds1.csv
, feds2.csv
, and feds3.csv
, to keep file sizes small, which we then processed to create further calculated fields.
# load required packages
# Set default timezone for session to UTC
Sys.setenv(TZ = "UTC")
# create data frame
feds <- data_frame()
# list files to load
files <- list.files("data/feds")
# load data
for (file in files) {
tmp <- read_csv(paste0("data/feds/",file), col_types = list(
adshex = col_character(),
flight_id = col_character(),
latitude = col_double(),
longitude = col_double(),
altitude = col_integer(),
speed = col_integer(),
squawk = col_character(),
type = col_character(),
timestamp = col_datetime(),
name = col_character(),
other_names1 = col_character(),
other_names2 = col_character(),
n_number = col_character(),
serial_number = col_character(),
mfr_mdl_code = col_character(),
mfr = col_character(),
model = col_character(),
year_mfr = col_integer(),
type_aircraft = col_integer(),
agency = col_character()
feds <- bind_rows(feds,tmp)
First, we created a new field loc_timestamp
, converting the UTC timestamps to local standard times.
# load required packages
# load Natural Earth timezones shapefile
timezones <- readOGR("data/ne_10m_time_zones", "ne_10m_time_zones")
# what is its Coordinate Reference System (CRS)?
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# convert the feds data to a spatial points data frame, with the same CRS
feds_map <-
xy <- feds_map[,c(4,3)]
feds_map <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xy, data = feds_map, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
# spatial join of timezone data to feds_map (this will take some time to run)
feds_map <- raster::intersect(feds_map, timezones)
# function to use when adding/subtracting hours from datetime objects
hrs <- function(x) {
y <- x * 3600
# create loc_timestamp field, and drop the fields added in the spatial join
# zone is the field that gives the offset from UTC in hours
feds <- %>%
mutate(loc_timestamp = timestamp + hrs(zone)) %>%
We then created further fields from loc_timestamp
, giving date, day of the week, hour on the 24-hour clock, and designating each day as a regular working day, or not (for weekends and federal holidays).
# create date, day_week, and hour fields
feds <- feds %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(loc_timestamp),
day_week = weekdays(loc_timestamp),
hour = as.numeric(format(loc_timestamp, "%H")))
# create work_day field
feds_weekends <- feds %>%
filter(day_week == "Saturday" | day_week == "Sunday") %>%
mutate(work_day = "N")
hols <-"2015-09-07","2015-10-12","2015-11-11","2015-11-26","2015-12-25")))
names(hols) <- "date"
feds_hols <- inner_join(feds, hols) %>%
mutate(work_day = "N")
feds_working <- feds %>%
filter(day_week != "Saturday" & day_week != "Sunday") %>%
anti_join(hols) %>%
mutate(work_day = "Y")
feds <- bind_rows(feds_weekends, feds_hols, feds_working)
The feds
data frame now contained the following additional fields:
Full timestamp in local standard
Date, based on local timestamp.day_week
Day of the week, based on local timestamp.hour
Hour on the 24-hour clock, based on local timestamp.work_day
for a regular working day, N
for weekends and federal holidays, based on local timestamp.Registration documents obtained from the FAA revealed that the ownership of two helicopters was transferred from the DHS to an FBI front company in mid-December, so we corrected earlier records to reflect this switch.
# correcting ownership records for aircraft that switched registration from DHS to FBI
transfers <- feds %>%
filter(date < "2015-12-14" & (n_number == "6971A" | n_number == "6982A"))
feds <- anti_join(feds, transfers)
transfers <- transfers %>%
mutate(name = "DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY", agency = "dhs")
feds <- bind_rows(feds, transfers)
We performed a spatial join to the boundaries of U.S. states and territories, for analysis of the data by state, and to restrict calculations to planes observed over U.S. states and territories.
# load states/provinces shapefile
states <- readOGR("data/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces", "ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces")
# filter for US states/territories only
states <- states [ which(states@data$sov_a3 == "US1"), ]
# what is its CRS?
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
# convert the feds data to a spatial points data frame, with the same CRS
feds_map <-
xy <- feds_map[,c(4,3)]
feds_map <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xy, data = feds_map, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
# spatial join of states to feds_map (this will take some time to run)
states_feds_map <- raster::intersect(feds_map, states)
# convert to data frame, and drop fields from the spatial join apart from state/territory name and abbreviation
states_feds <- %>%
select(1:26, name.1, postal) %>%
rename(state = name.1)
And we performed a spatial join to the boundaries of urban areas defined by the Census Bureau. This allowed subsquent analysis for transponder detections over any urban area.
# load urban areas shapefile
urban <- readOGR("data/cb_2014_us_ua10_500k", "cb_2014_us_ua10_500k")
# what is its CRS?
## CRS arguments:
## +proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0
# convert the feds data to a spatial points data frame, with the same CRS
feds_map <-
xy <- feds_map[,c(4,3)]
feds_map <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = xy, data = feds_map, proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
# spatial join of urban to feds_map (this will take some time to run)
# note use of spatialEco package function here, rather than raster package function used above, which crashed on this spatial join
urban_feds_map <-, urban)
# convert to data frame, and drop some fields from the spatial join
urban_feds <- %>%
The urban_feds
data frame now contained the following additional fields:
Five-digit identifying code for each urban area.NAME10
Name of each urban area.We then filtered to remove data for 2015-08-16
and 2015-12-31
, which will be incomplete after conversion to local times from UTC.
# filter to remove dates with incomplete data
feds_series <- feds %>%
filter(date != as.Date("2015-08-16") & date != as.Date("2015-12-31"))
urban_feds_series <- urban_feds %>%
filter(date != as.Date("2015-08-16") & date != as.Date("2015-12-31"))
states_feds_series <- states_feds %>%
filter(date != as.Date("2015-08-16") & date != as.Date("2015-12-31"))
# load required packages
# Count aircraft for each agency, fixed-wing and helicopters
feds_types <- states_feds_series %>%
mutate(type_aircraft = paste0("type", type_aircraft)) %>%
group_by(agency, type_aircraft) %>%
summarise(count = n_distinct(adshex)) %>%
spread(type_aircraft, count)
feds_types[] <- 0
feds_types <- feds_types %>%
mutate("Fixed-wing" = type4 + type5,
Helicopters = type2 + type6,
Agency = toupper(agency)) %>%
# DHS count includes 5 helicopters incorrectly classified in the FAA registration database as balloons (type_aircraft==2), fixed in the code above
# how many flight segments? How many days active for each plane?
feds_flights <- states_feds_series %>%
group_by(agency, adshex) %>%
summarise(flights = n_distinct(flight_id), days = n_distinct(date))
total_days <- feds_flights %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(agency) %>%
summarise(flights = sum(flights),days = sum(days)) %>%
mutate(agency = toupper(agency),
flights = format(flights, big.mark = ","),
days=format(days, big.mark = ","))
names(total_days) <- c("Agency","Flight segments","Minimum flights")
# count transponder detections by plane
all_planes <- states_feds_series %>%
group_by(agency, n_number, mfr, model, type_aircraft) %>%
summarise(count = n())
all_helicopters <- all_planes %>%
filter(type_aircraft == 2 | type_aircraft == 6) %>%
mutate(type = "Helicopter")
all_fixed <- all_planes %>%
filter(type_aircraft == 4 | type_aircraft == 5) %>%
mutate(type = "Fixed-wing")
all_planes <- bind_rows(all_helicopters, all_fixed) %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(agency = toupper(agency),
count = format(count, big.mark = ",")) %>%
names(all_planes) <- c("Agency","Registration","Manufacturer","Model","Type","Transponder detections")
# for FBI aircraft
states_fbi <- states_feds_series %>%
filter(agency == "fbi") %>%
group_by(state, postal) %>%
summarise(planes = n_distinct(adshex), detections = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(desc(detections)) %>%
mutate(detections = format(detections, big.mark = ","))
names(states_fbi) <- c("State/territory","Abbrev.","Planes","Transponder detections")
# for dhs aircraft
states_dhs <- states_feds_series %>%
filter(agency == "dhs") %>%
group_by(state, postal) %>%
summarise(planes = n_distinct(adshex), detections = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(desc(detections)) %>%
mutate(detections = format(detections, big.mark=","))
names(states_dhs) <- c("State/territory","Abbrev.","Planes","Transponder detections")
# combined fbi and dhs aircraft
states_combined <- states_feds_series %>%
group_by(state,postal) %>%
summarise(planes = n_distinct(adshex), detections = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(desc(detections)) %>%
mutate(detections=format(detections, big.mark = ","))
names(states_combined) <- c("State/territory","Abbrev.","Planes","Transponder detections")
FBI or DHS aircraft were detected at least fleetingly over every U.S. state, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico — apart from Montana.
# count transponder detections per hour
feds_hours <- states_feds_series %>%
group_by(agency, hour) %>%
summarise(observations = n()) %>%
filter(agency == "fbi" | agency == "dhs")
# plot
hours <- ggplot(feds_hours, aes(x=hour, y=observations, color = agency)) %>%
+ geom_line(size = 0.7) %>%
+ geom_point(size = 1.5) %>%
+ xlab("Hour (24-hour clock)") %>%
+ ylab("Total transponder detections") %>%
+ theme_minimal() %>%
+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#0F3B82", "#FF2900"),
labels = c("DHS", "FBI")) %>%
+ scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) %>%
+ theme(legend.position = "top",
legend.title = element_blank())